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About Us


The Cross of Jesus has 2 dimensions to show the way that Jesus’ death unites God to People (vertically) and People to People (horizontally).

When it first began Christianity was called the Way and Jesus called himself the Way.
Shiloh exists not to offer religion but a way of life with Jesus as Lord to everyone in Lisnabreen, Clanmorris, Whitehill, Bloomfield and the wider community in Bangor.

We are here for people who may not want religion but are looking for a God who is real, personal and alive today. A God who created you, understands and loves you and is interested in your life.

  • We meet to worship this loving God on Sunday mornings at 10.45am. 
  • From 6.30-7.30pm every other Sunday evening we present the Christian faith in ways relevant to people facing the daily challenges of life in the 21st century.
  • On Wednesdays at 7.30-8.30pm we meet together for Bible Study. (The 1st Wed of the month is a Prayer Meeting)


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