Bangor - Pakistan Online Baptism
Online (Bangor-Pakistan) Baptism Service
This morning (10.00am GMT) Mark Tatty Gordon was invited to speak from God’s word at our ‘Shiloh Pakistan Outreach Project’ baptism service for Imran & Zohaib.
Both these young men have been part of the Shiloh Outreach team from its early beginning & both had a strong desire to follow the example set by Jesus & get baptised.
The service, attended by family & friends, was conducted at a local canal by our Pakistan outreach director Kashif & his father Arshad.
Tatty spoke from Romans 10:9-10 on Imran & Zohaib’s public confession & belief that Jesus is Lord & is raised from the dead.
Tatty told Imran & Zohaib they had: -
1. Followed Jesus’ example
2. Obeyed Jesus
3. Declared Jesus’ Lordship
4. Honoured Jesus
As a result of their faithful obedience they each now had Jesus’ promise that because they had confessed Him before men, He (Jesus) would confess them before His Father in heaven.
What a wonderful day of celebration & thanks be to Jesus for His grace & love.
Have you confessed Jesus as your Lord & Saviour yet?
Time is running out for you.