Jake Mason Thanksgiving
This afternoon Shiloh held a Thanksgiving Service for little Jake Mason, son of Debbie and Graham Mason.
At the service Mark Tatty Gordon spoke about the responsibility of parents to ensure their children learn from childhood the good news about Jesus.
“Fewer people these days for various reasons send their children to Sunday School or Children’s Church, where they would learn stories from the Bible, sing children’s choruses or memorise verses. If children aren’t learning about Jesus how can we be sure they will ever be saved? ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God.’
God holds parents responsible for either bringing their children to Jesus or not; once the child reaches adulthood the responsibility rests with them. If we neglect to have our children taught about Jesus, how can we be certain they’ll ever get saved?
Debbie and Graham have brought little Jake to ask the Lord’s blessing on him, and this is wonderful, but they will still be held to account for how Jake is raised in the things of God.
This afternoon we celebrate God’s good gift of little Jake to his parents, but God gives him into their stewardship and expects they will help him to know the Lord and His ways.
It’s my delight to ask God’s blessing on His good gift Jake and on Debbie and Graham. Also may God bless Thomas and Natasha in their roles as guardians to Jake.”