Shiloh Anniversary Celebration 2019
What a Celebration!!
Last night Shiloh was packed to capacity with people who had come along to celebrate Shiloh gong into our 20th year.
Tommy Rowntree and Thomas McKeown had been invited to minister in song, and what a blessing that was! One man said, "When the two guys sang I felt like electricty was going through my entire body." Others spoke of the anointing the two singers had and how God used their ministry to touch people's lives.
Mark Tatty Gordon preached on Psalm 133 about 'How good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity.'
** You can listen to the entire sermon on the podcast on this website.
The night was a special one and all who attended felt the presence of God in a very real and powerful way.
Mark Tatty Gordon thanked everyone from Shiloh and others who contributed to make the celebration such a success.