Shiloh Food Parcels
'It is better to give than to receive'
In our currrent climate it is good to remember to look out for others who may be in need, or to simply show people that others are thinking of them at this time.
A number of people from Shiloh felt they would like to prepare simple food parcels to distribute to individuals' within the local community.
With the support from Caroline at Tesco's (Bloomfields), enough goods were purchased to produce 50 parcels for delivery.
These were delivered and were gratefully received by the recipients.
Sometimes a simple gesture, a random act of kindness or compassion can make such a difference to a person's day.
We hope and pray that those who received these gifts will understand that they are simple tokens of God's love for them.
Thank you to Caroline and the individuals' from Shiloh who made this project so effective.
If you live locally and are in need of some support, please feel free to contact us via this website, on Facebook or by phone.