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At Your Wits End? Feel Like You've Had Enough?


Are you facing problems that have brought you to the limit of what you can deal with?

Do you feel like you've had enough and can't go on?

It can be so helpful just to talk with someone else about what you're experiencing.

Jesus was known as the 'Friend of sinners' because so many people came to him when they were at their wit's end. He never turned anyone away.

Get in touch with us by email, or come and see us at any of our services. We will always be available to talk to you and pray with you about whatever is troubling you. If we cannot help you directly (practically) we can signpost you to the help you need.

You can find links below that you can contact if they are relevant to your need.  

  • Suicide
    Lifeline 0808 808 8000 The Samaritans  02891 464646    08457 909090

    Open Link
  • Addiction
    Dealing with addiction can be difficult but help is available in various formats. Shiloh can provide crisis intervention and basic counselling services. You can also find help through local community addiction teams and Alcohol and You  02892 604422  

    Open Link
  • Depression and mental health problems
    Action Mental Health 02891 270979 The Samaritans   02891 464646   08457 909090

    Open Link
  • Family crisis
    Lifeline 0808 808 8000 Women's Aid   08088021414

    Open Link
  • Loneliness
    Age North Down   Shiloh at 6.30 on Sundays

    Open Link
 Enquire Now

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